connect(); // initialize database connection } private function connect () { // establishes connection with database try { $this->pdo = new PDO ( DB_CONNECTION_STRING, DB_UN, DB_PW ); // replace with your flavor of database and credentials/socket info } catch ( PDOException $e ) { trigger_error( "There has been an error establishing a database connection.", E_USER_ERROR ); exit( 1 ); } } function close () { // destroys connection with database $this->pdo = null; } /* Accepts queries like this: SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `field1` = :field1 AND `field2` = :field2; With the following $args array: Array ( ':field1' => 'value', ':field2' => 'value' ); !!! Any statement containing "insert", "where", or "replace" will automatically fail if the args array is empty. !!! */ function run ( $sql, $args = "" ) { // runs through a query, returning true or false depending on whether or not a change was made. if ( $sql != "" ) { if ( ( ( strstr( strtolower( $sql ), "insert" ) != "" || strstr( strtolower( $sql ), "where" ) != "" || strstr( strtolower( $sql ), "replace" ) != "" ) && $args != "" ) ) { if ( is_array( $args ) ) { // $args is present and the query is trying to insert, replace, or search using "where." array_walk( $args, array( &$this, 'sanitize' ) ); try { $prepare = $this->pdo->prepare ( $sql, array( PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY ) ); $prepare->execute( $args ); return $prepare->fetchAll(); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { $error = "Error: sql run failed - $e"; trigger_error( $error, E_USER_WARNING ); throw new Exception($error); return false; } } else { $error = "Notice: $args must be an array, sql run failed."; trigger_error( $error, E_USER_NOTICE ); throw new Exception($error); return false; } } else if ( strstr( strtolower( $sql ), "insert" ) == "" && strstr( strtolower( $sql ), "where" ) == "" && strstr( strtolower( $sql ), "replace" ) == "" ) { // query is pulling data without any dynamic data try { $prepare = $this->pdo->prepare($sql); $prepare->execute(); return $prepare->fetchAll(); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { $error = "Error: sql run failed - $e"; trigger_error( $error, E_USER_WARNING ); throw new Exception($error); return false; } } else { $error = "Notice: sql run failed."; trigger_error( $error, E_USER_NOTICE ); throw new Exception($error); return false; } } else { $error = "Notice: no query defined."; trigger_error( $error, E_USER_NOTICE ); throw new Exception($error); return false; } } function query ( $sql, $args = "" ) { // runs through the "run" function, but with default exception handling try { return $this->run($sql, $args); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "

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"; } } private function sanitize ( &$string ) { // clean args lead to a happy database $this->pdo->quote( $string ); } } $db = new db(); ?>